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Projects Under Construction in 2021:
Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook and Western Washington Counties

Browse this open house to see what is being built in your community. If you have questions, concerns or considerations we should know about as we prepare for construction in 2021, please let us know!

To see where the work will be located, view the interactive map to the right. Click on the construction areas for more details.

Click and drag to explore the map. Click lines, shapes and icons for more information. Turn layers on and off and browse the list of projects by clicking the Google Maps Layers button in the upper left of the map window. (You may need to turn off layers to select other objects underneath.) Map shapes and icons are provided for reference only, precise locations may vary.


Creating a smoother ride to and from the Coast.
Extending the life of the bridges.
Improvements to Millard and Bennett Road Intersections.
Priority Curbs in Clatskanie.
Safety project to update and install new signs.
Planned activities to preserve existing roads.
Multi-year projects currently under construction.
Learn more about other projects happening in nearby counties.
We want to hear from you!

U.S. 26 Paving Projects

U.S. 26 is a major tourist and freight route from Portland to the coast. This heavy traffic route will have several projects constructing in 2021. There are the four projects highlighted here, but there will also be a larger curve warning project that will install curve warning signs along the highway.

Project Area Map

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Learn more about the projects by clicking on each item below:

Project Area MapAbout:

This section of the roadway between Necanicum Junction at OR 53 to the Nehalem River Bridge is in poor condition.  

We will:

  • Repave the highway.
  • Install new striping and signs.
  • Improve stormwater treatment.
  • Install new guardrail.
  • Modify the existing bridge rails.

Side roads and approaches will also be repaved. ADA ramps will also be installed at the end of bridge pedestrian facilities.

Construction and Traffic Impacts:

We will not have a full road closure, but will have delays and lane closures.

In the two lane sections of the project area travel will be down to one lane and work will be done at night, Sunday night through Friday morning 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. In the four lane sections of the project area, work can be done during either daytime or nighttime hours and we will maintain one travel lane in each direction. 

Construction will start with the guardrails, move to the side streets before starting work on U.S. 26 itself.


Work has begun and will continue through September 2021.


From mileposts 9.8 to 21.67

Project Area MapAbout:

The section of roadway between Hayward Road to NW Mountaindale Road is in poor condition.

We are:

  • Repaving the driving surface.
  • Paving the ramps on OR 47.
  • Apply permanent striping.
  • Replace two bridge surfaces - including waterproof membranes under the asphalt to protect the bridge.

Construction and Traffic Impacts:

During construction expect delays up to 20 minutes. There will be lane closures with the work zone being controlled by flaggers and a pilot car. Work is expected to occur at night. Simple detours will be in place for paving of the OR 47 on and off-ramps. 

There are provisions in the contract to allow for a 7 day work week (at night). More specific details will be determined after we have a contractor on board.


Construction will begin in 2021.


From mileposts 47.6 to 53

17% Complete

Bridge Projects

Project Area MapWe will be making repairs to several of the bridges in Area 1 of the region.

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Learn more about the projects by clicking on each item below:


Project Area MapThe Astoria-Megler Bridge is a multi-span bridge over four miles in length. The bridge was built back in 1966. Repairs and painting are necessary for the health and longevity of the bridge.

Work includes: 

  • Removing the original paint that contains lead.

  • Painting under the bridge deck.

  • Repairing damaged steel. 

  • Making other repairs as needed. 

The contractor will also build containment structures to prevent or contain any paint and debris from falling into the Columbia River.

Construction and Traffic Impacts:

​During construction, plan for single lane traffic with flaggers and up to 20 minute delays. 

Single lane closures will be allowed:

  • Daily, Monday through Thursday, between 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
  • Daily, Friday, between 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Most work will be done during the day in the hours listed above. However, when working on the southern portion of bridge that connects to U.S. 30, the contractor will be restricted to working at night when traffic volumes are lower. Sunday night through Friday morning, between 7:00 PM to 6:00 AM. 

Travelers should drive through the area with caution. Oregon State Police will be enforcing the speed limit through the work zone.   

Pedestrian access below the bridge will also have temporary access routes in place.

TripCheck will have the most accurate construction impact information.


Construction will begin in the Fall of 2021.


Mileposts 1.78 to 3.32. 


Project Area MapSeveral of the bridge footings are exposed and need to be repaired. If the erosion around the footings isn't repaired it could compromise the integrity of the bridge.

We will: 

  • Remove any sediment near the footings.
  • Place rocks at locations along the footings to provide additional foundation support. 

​The bridge is located on a designated truck route and addressing the issues now will allow the bridge to remain in service following high water events.

Construction and Traffic Impacts:

During construction, most of the work will be done under the bridge. When lane closures are needed, the work zone will be controlled by flagging. 


Construction is estimated to begin in 2021.


Milepost 61.2


Project Area MapThe Nehalem River Bridge is a historic bridge on OR 47 and needs to be repaired. Built in 1939, the repairs on the bridge are needed or it will continue to deteriorate and require costly maintenance. 

As part of the project we will:

  • Remove the rust that has built up between the steel plates. 
  • Replace damaged steel portal beams. 
  • Replace rusted rivets and bolts.
  • Repaint the bridge to protect the bridge against the elements and future rust.

Construction and Traffic Impacts:

During construction expect noise and delays caused by lane closures. Construction is estimated to take 5-6 months and will require 24 hour flagging.


Construction is estimated to begin in Spring 2022.


Milepost 61.2


Project Area MapThe Mills Bridge spans the Wilson River on OR 6 and needs to be repaired. If the issues are not addressed the bridge will continue to deteriorate and require costly maintenance.

As part of the project we will:

  • Remove the rust that has built up between the steel plates. 
  • Replace around 100 rivets and bolts.
  • Repaint the bridge to protect against the elements and future rust.

The bridge is on a designated truck route and fixing it now will avoid significant mobility impacts.

Construction and Traffic Impacts:

During construction expect noise and lane closures which will cause short delays. Work will be done during the day with one lane remaining open and controlled by flagging. 


Construction will begin in Spring 2022.


Milepost 5.7


Project Area MapLocated in Tillamook County, this project will provide erosion repair to the existing bridge supports. ​Riprap, a type of large rock used for erosion control, will be placed at locations along the bridge supports.

Construction and Traffic Impacts:

During construction expect noise and lane closures which will cause short delays.


Construction will begin in 2021.


Milepost 68

25% Complete

U.S. 30 Intersection Safety Project (Millard and Bennett Roads)

We will make safety improvements on U.S. 30 at the Millard and Bennett Roads intersections.

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Project Area MapAbout:

This project will improve the safety of U.S. 30 between Scappoose and St. Helens (from mileposts 25.7 to 27.2) in Columbia County by:

  • Increasing the turning radius of the right turn lane from U.S. 30 onto Bennett Road by widening and restriping the roadway near the intersection.
  • Restricting left turns onto U.S. 30 from Bennett Road by creating a median.
  • Adding a traffic signal at U.S. 30.
  • Widening Millard Road to provide protected access to U.S. 30.
  • Upgrading the rail crossings at both Millard and Bennett Roads, work to be performed by the railroad.

Construction and Traffic Impacts:

Activity in the work zone will be intermittent as our utility partners work to move their lines and pipes to new locations. The detour will remain in place.

When roadwork restarts, expect delays and lane closures. Traffic on U.S. 30 will not be detoured, however there are alternative routes available for those wishing to avoid the work zone. 

Construction is being done in stages as our contractor coordinates the work needed with our utility partners, and with the railroad contractor.


Construction is underway and expected to be completed in 2022.


U.S. 30 from 25.7 and 27.1

33% Complete

U.S. 30 ADA Curb Ramps

We will be installing and upgrading ADA compliant curb ramps at to two priority locations in Clatskanie.

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Project mapAbout:

The project will make safety and ADA curb ramp upgrades at N Nehalem Street and Bel Air Drive where they intersect with U.S. 30.

At Bel Air Drive work will include removing the existing pedestrian ramps at all corners and installing new ADA compliant ramps. 

At Nehalem Street, all the existing ramps will be removed and new ramps will be installed. This intersection will also have new pedestrian signals and push buttons installed. 

Construction and Traffic Impacts:

Expect minimal delays during construction, and:

  • Only one corner of each intersection will be closed at a time.
  • Work may occur at multiple intersections at the same time.
  • Some work may require lane closures.
  • Work is expected to be done during the daytime.


Construction estimated to begin in late 2021 or early 2022.


Where U.S. 30 intersects with Bel Air Drive and Nehalem Street

To see where the work will be located, view the interactive map. Click on the construction cones for more details.

Click and drag to explore the map. Click lines, shapes and icons for more information. Turn layers on and off and browse the list of projects by clicking the Google Maps Layers button in the upper left of the map window. (You may need to turn off layers to select other objects underneath.) Map shapes and icons are provided for reference only, precise locations may vary.

42% Complete

U.S. 101 Perkins Lane Intersection

Project Area mapWe will look at safety improvements for the intersection of U.S. 101 and Perkins Lane. 

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About:Intersection Layout Map

​The intersection of U.S. 101 and Perkins Lane in Warrenton has frequent and severe crashes, most of which are caused by cars turning.  

To reduce the potential and severity of the crashes, we will explore safety improvements including:

  • ​Install left turn lane for northbound U.S.101 traffic, wanting to turn onto OR 104 to downtown Warrenton. 
  • Install a concrete separator.
  • Install additional lighting at the intersection. 

Construction and Traffic Impacts:

We plan for construction to take place at night. Travelers may experience traffic delays during construction times. 


Construction is estimated to start in late 2021 or in early 2022.


Milepost 9.48 on U.S. 101

50% Complete

Region 2 Signal Improvements

Signal IconImprove safety by upgrading and making improvements to signals.

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Project area mapsThe purpose of this project is to reduce fatal and serious intersection crashes. This will be done by upgrading the equipment and using a combination of technology and visual enhancements. 

We will be improving six intersections in Scappoose, five in St. Helens, one in Columbia City, two in Clatskanie, one in Rainier and five in Astoria.

At the identified intersections, we will:

  • Replace signal heads where needed.
  • Install reflective backplates behind the signal heads. This will draw the driver's eyes to the signal and increase their awareness and response to the traffic control device.
  • Install advanced dilemma zone protection. This will enhance safety by adjusting the traffic control signal timing to reduce the number of drivers that may have difficulty deciding whether to stop or proceed during a yellow phase.
  • Install video, thermal or radar detection at the intersections. This will adjust the timing of the signal from turning red while there are still cars in the intersection.
  • Install new or modified lane use signs to help drivers navigate which lanes to use when approaching the intersection.
  • Install new supplemental traffic signal heads these are added to lights that do not currently have the lights with an arrow indicating it is okay to turn. These extra signal heads will mean drivers who want to turn and cross traffic at an intersection won't have to yield to oncoming traffic, they can turn at the prompt of a dedicated turn signal.

Construction and Traffic Impacts:

Periodic lane closures will be needed. The current plan is to:

  • Keep one lane of traffic open in each direction when possible. There are times when the width of the road will mean closing one lane, at which time the work zone will be controlled by flaggers.  
  • Work on one traffic signal per intersection at a time.
  • Work on one intersection on a corridor at a time.
  • Work can be done either during the day or at night. Each highway has specified hours when lane closure may occur. However, the actual work hours and timing won't be known until a contractor has been selected.


Construction will begin in late 2021 or early 2022.


Various locations in Astoria, Clatskanie, Columbia City, Rainier, St. Helens, Scappoose

58% Complete

Curve Warning Upgrades

To create a more uniform and reliable curve warning system across the United States, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has required that all curve signs meet the new standards.

We will update curve warning signs throughout Region 2 to meet the current standards and add new signs where needed based on crash history. 

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Sign picture

Over 50% of Oregon's curve warning and curve advisory speed signs do not meet current national standards. This is because of outdated technologies used in initial curve analysis, changes in driving habits, improvements in vehicle safety features and inconsistent curve advisory speed changes that have happened over the past several decades.

Upgrading and installing new signs will improve safety by having consistent curve advisory speeds and signs that meet the national standards.

Because many curves have posted advisory speeds that are lower than the current standards for safe driving, drivers often do not follow them. Instead, drivers travel five, ten, or more miles per hour over the posted advisory speed.

Construction and Potential Traffic Impacts:

Travelers can expect lane closures and delays up to 20 minutes where work is taking place. will have the most up to date information on where work is being done and what the traffic impacts may be.


Construction is estimated to begin in late 2021 or early 2022.

Learn more about the projects by clicking on each item below:

Project Area Map

We will replace and add new signs at locations along U.S. 101 on the Oregon Coast.

0 to 167

Clatsop, Tillamook, Lincoln

ARTS Program. $1,713,200

Click the map to enlarge.

Project Area MapWe will replace and add new signs on highways in the northern part of the Region.

U.S. 30 18.37 to 99.34
U.S. 26 0 to 45.41

Columbia, Clatsop, Washington

ARTS Program. $1,809,509

Click the map to enlarge.

Curve Warning Projects on other highways in the region. 

Project Area Map

We will replace and add new signs at locations on Lincoln and Benton county highways. This project will most likely start in 2022.

OR 34  0 to 58.6
OR 229  0 to 21.24

Lincoln and Benton

ARTS Program. $1,589,400

Click the map to enlarge.

Project Area Map

We will replace and add new signs along various highways in west Lane county.

OR 126 – 14.37 to 41.07
Territorial Highway (OR 200)  .6 to 42.08
OR 36  0 to 51.59


ARTS Program, $1,004,400

Click the map to enlarge.

67% Complete

Maintenance Projects

Maintenance Worker IconMaking various repairs to preserve our roads.

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District Contact Information: 503-325-7222OR 47 Chip Seal Pavement Preservation Project  

This is a preservation project that covers 24 miles from Vernonia to the junction with U.S. 26.  (Mileposts 53-77).  Work will be done during the daytime with flaggers controlling two-way traffic. Expect delays up to 20 minutes. We estimate completion by the end of September. will have the most up to day information on closures and traffic impacts.

75% Complete

Construction Continues

Road Work SignThere is one project still under construction that will continue into 2021.

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New Youngs Bay Bridge Repairs

Project Area MapThe bridge was built in 1963 and with heavy traffic usage, deterioration and direct exposure to the elements, and rapid changes in temperature, the bridge is in need of repair.

The project will:

  • Repair damaged concrete
  • Install cathodic protection
  • Replace joints
  • Bearing replacement
  • Raise the lift span tower​

Construction and Potential Traffic Impacts:

Most of the work that impacts the travel lanes will be done at night. There may be times when one lane closures occur to accommodate the equipment needed for the work and activities being done underneath the bridge. 

A 14 day full night closure will occur in June 2021 to replace the lift span bracing. During the night closures, traffic will detour onto the U.S. 101 Business route. The route is on the map to the right.


This project is expected to be completed in late 2021.


U.S. 101  New Youngs Bay Bridge

83% Complete

Other Projects Under Construction in Region 2

Learn more about what other projects will be under construction in 2021 in Region 2. 

Yamhill, Polk and Marion CountiesTo view our other online open houses, click on the images or the links below: 

Lincoln, Benton and Linn Counties

Lane County

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Visit Trip Check for the most up-to-date information and sign up to receive construction updates for Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook and Washington counties. 

Visit to find out current road conditionsSubscribe for construction updates

92% Complete

Provide Feedback

Some of the projects we are constructing in 2021 are still in design. This means that some of the details for construction staging and traffic control plans might not be known yet. 

Since the projects are still being designed, your feedback is important to help us deliver the best project for your community. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or considerations that we should know about as we wrap up design and gear up for construction, please let us know.

If there are accessibility concerns in your area that are not being addressed through these projects, please complete our Concern, Question, Comment or Request form so that our staff is aware of the issue. 

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Stay Connected

Visit Trip Check for the most up-to-date information and sign up to receive construction updates for Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook and Washington counties. 

Visit to find out current road conditionsSubscribe for construction updates

100% Complete