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Oregon Coast Bike Route Sign

Help ODOT make a better
Oregon Coast Bike Route.

The Oregon Department of Transportation is undertaking a planning effort to identify improvements to the Oregon Coast Bike Route, a popular bike route that runs the length of the Oregon coast. The Oregon Coast Bike Route plan will set the stage for improved safety, accessibility and enjoyment for residents, visitors, and all users of the route.

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Learn about the Oregon Coast Bike Route and the purpose of this plan.
Learn about possible treatments and strategies that may be used in the plan.
Review what we know about the Coast Bike Route's most critical needs and give us feedback.
Learn what comes next and fill out a short survey.


The Oregon Coast Bike Route covers 370 scenic miles primarily on U.S. 101 from Astoria to Brookings, connecting state parks, coastal communities and panoramic viewpoints. Every year more than 6,000 people ride the Oregon Coast Bike Route (OCBR). The route – designated in the early 1980s – attracts tourists from around the world and is a treasured resource for many visitors and coastal residents.

Overview video: 2 min 30 sec


The Oregon Coast Bike Route Plan will increase safety, accessibility and enjoyment for residents and visitors by identifying needs and prioritizing improvements to the route. The Plan will:

  • Define the route – both where it follows U.S. 101 and where it follows other roadways.
  • Identify ways that ODOT and local jurisdictions can improve the route and support riders.
  • Identify high priority improvements and a plan for implementing those improvements.

Why Now?

The Oregon Coast Bike Route was designated in the early 1980s. It has now been more than a decade since ODOT has looked at how to improve the route. With changes in bicycle and roadway standards, the growth of bike tourism, and the increase of all tourism traffic along U.S. 101, it’s the right time to do this work.

What we’ve learned so far

In spring 2018, ODOT received over 900 responses from people who have ridden the Oregon Coast Bike Route or who were interested in similar cycling experiences but have chosen not to ride the OCBR. Highlights from the user survey:

  • It is estimated that between 6-10,000 people ride the OCBR annually.
  • Individual riders report spending about $500 during their trips which contributes to $3-5 million in annual tourism spending on the coast related to cycling.
  • About half of respondents had ridden a significant portion of the OCBR, and the other half had not.
  • In a nutshell, cyclists love riding on OCBR, but also find portions of the route "scary" and "dangerous."
  • Half of respondents who have not yet ridden the OCBR would consider riding it.
  • The top concern for new and potential riders was safety.
  • The additional draw to riding on the OCBR is its beauty and amenities.

Project Area

Oregon Coast Bike Route Map
Click to enlarge.

40% Complete

Tools and Solutions

The Oregon Coast Bike Route plan will make recommendations to improve the experience of biking on the route. These could include everything from wayfinding signs and secure bike parking to transit connections to and from the route, or educational campaigns to inform drivers and riders about how to safely share the road.

The plan will also recommend improvements such as wider shoulders, new bike facilities, striping changes to help riders and drivers safely navigate intersections, or warning lights that alert drivers to the presence of people on bikes in constrained areas. In some cases, the plan may even recommend things like transit shuttles to give riders a choice to skip particularly challenging sections.

As we think about the critical needs, potential solutions are described below. Depending on the location, some solutions might be more feasible than others.

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  • Warning lights with trigger

    Warning lights with trigger

    Lights triggered by riders warn drivers in constrained areas.
  • Shift the bike route off U.S. 101

    Shift the bike route off U.S. 101

    Routing the OCBR on local roadways could avoid constrained areas of U.S. 101.
  • Shared low speed road

    Shared low speed road

    Roadways with speeds under 25 mph, particularly with lower traffic volumes, could be comfortable places to ride.
  • Shared bike and walking path

    Shared bike and walking path

    People on bikes and on foot could share a wide sidewalk or path.
  • Educational or info signage

    Educational or info signage

    Signage could inform drivers of the presence of riders on roadways.
  • Striped bike lane

    Striped bike lane

    A striped bike lane could be achieved by narrowing travel lanes, removing parking or widening the roadway.
  • Transit shuttle

    Transit shuttle

    Coordinated bus service could offer riders a way to avoid uncomfortable segments of the OCBR.
  • Widen roadway/shoulder

    Widen roadway/shoulder

    Wider shoulders could create more space for people on bikes. Wider shoulders could be achieved by adding new pavement, maintaining current lane widths.

60% Complete

Critical Needs Map

Below is a map of the study area along the Oregon Coast Bike Route that highlights our draft list of critical needs. Click on each segment of the map, review what we have identified thus far, and give us your feedback. (You can also give general feedback using the comment form on the Next Steps page.)

What are "critical needs"?

The project team assessed the entire route and mapped where bike facilities or shoulders are narrower than four feet in rural areas, and narower than six feet in urban areas. Because of the route's length, the team identified the highest-priority areas by considering:

  • Existing conditions: width of the existing bike facility or shoulder
  • Safety: crash history, crash risks
  • Short gaps/barriers
  • Overlap with the Oregon Coast Trail

This helped zero in on areas with the most critical needs. The plan will also recommend design standards and approaches for the entire route.

80% Complete

Next Steps

The team will use your input to refine our identification and understanding of the most important needs on the Oregon Coast Bike Route. We will develop specific solutions for the most important areas, and recommend design treatments for similar conditions up and down the coast.

We will hold a second online open house to share specific solution ideas in 2020.

Stay Involved

  • Visit the project website at for more information.
  • Contact ODOT:
    Jenna Berman, Region 2,North Coast, Active Transportation Liaison,, (971) 718-6024

    Jenna Marmon, Region 3, South Coast, Active Transportation Liaison,, (541) 774-5925
  • See Oregon Coast Bike Route displays and talk with representatives at an open house for Oregon Coast Trail planning:
    Thursday, Dec. 13, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
    REI Downtown, Community Meeting Room
    1405 NW Johnson Street, Portland


Project Schedule
Click to enlarge.


Help inform the project process by answering a few short questions.

100% Complete