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Lombard Multimodal
Safety Project

Welcome to the Lombard Multimodal Safety Project Online Open House! Construction begins this month to improve safety and travel-time predictability on North Lombard Street between North Fiske Avenue and North Boston Avenue. Please guide yourself through each station to learn more about the project and what to expect during construction.

Visite el sitio web en español para conocer más sobre las actualizaciones del proyecto y los impactos del tráfico esperados.

For ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or Civil Rights Title VI accommodations, translation/interpretation services, or more information call 503-731-4128, TTY 800-735-2900 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1. Si desea obtener información sobre este proyecto traducida al español, sírvase llamar al 503-731-4128.


Learn about the purpose of the project and why it is needed.
Learn about project elements that increase safety and reliability.
Learn how to navigate through the project area during construction.
Learn about design considerations and benefits for freight.
Some shared lanes will be necessary to reduce conflicts between bicycle riders and drivers.
How ODOT has engaged the community on this project.
Learn about what will happen during construction.
Learn about the overall project schedule and find contact information.

Background and Project Need

The Lombard Multimodal Safety Project will improve safety and travel-time predictability for people walking, biking, rolling, taking transit, driving and moving freight along North Lombard Street between North Fiske Avenue and North Boston Avenue.

Why do we need multimodal safety improvements along North Lombard Street?

Crashed car icon

On average, a crash occurs every 9 days on this corridor.

Injured person icon

Just over half (53%) of the crashes result in injury.

What can we expect after these improvements?

Studies show:

Lane reduction icon

Converting the road from 4 lanes to 3 lanes with a center turn lane reduces crashes by 29%.

Left turn lane icon

Adding a left turn lane at a signalized intersection reduces crashes by up to 19%.

Traffic light icon

Improving traffic signals reduces crashes by up to 25%.

Pedestrian crossing icon

Pedestrian visibility will be improved by removing parking and select trees. Pedestrians will also have fewer lanes of travel to cross.

Sources: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Road Diet Informational Guide; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Highway Safety Manual; Caltrans Intersection Implementation Plan study

22% Complete

Project Elements

This project will use several strategies to improve safety and travel-time predictability for people walking, biking, rolling, taking transit, driving and moving freight along North Lombard Street.

The project will include:

Drawing of traffic signal

Updated Traffic Signals and Signing

  • Install more visible street signs and traffic signals.

Drawing of turn lane and bike lanes

A Center Turn Lane and Bike Lanes

  • A separate lane for left turning vehicles, improving traffic flow and reducing rear-end crashes.
  • Install bike lanes with two-foot buffer to provide separation between bikes and vehicles.

Drawing of pedestrian crossing

Enhanced Pedestrian Crossing(s)

  • Install accessible curb ramps and improved pedestrian signals with push buttons.
  • Install Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB) signs and median refuge islands at N Emerald Ave and N Delaware Ave.

Drawing of paving

Paving from N Newman to N Boston

  • Paving to provide a smooth finished surface for all travelers.

Project Area Map

Project area map showing the construction area along N. Lombard.
Click to enlarge.

33% Complete

Travel During Construction

Learn how to navigate through the project area during construction.

Drawing of protected pedestrian crossing.

Pedestrian Travel

Sidewalks will remain open, however there may be short detours near corners as accessible ramps are installed. Please follow all detours and signs for safety.

Drawing of bike near work zone.

Bike Travel

During construction, bicyclists may continue to share the lane with vehicles, walk bikes along sidewalks, or use a neighborhood greenway, such as N Bryant Street. Bike lanes will open at project completion.

Drawing of lanes and work zone.

Vehicle and Freight Travel

Traffic will still flow in both directions during construction. There may be delays as crews shift travel lanes and improve the roadway. Please allow extra time when traveling, and follow all signs and flaggers for safety.

44% Complete

Freight Mobility

Lombard Street is a designated freight route and provides freight mobility between US 30 and I-5.

Freight benefits:

  • Construct wider through lanes, from 10.5 feet to 12 feet wide.
  • Reduce stop-and-go conditions by placing left-turning vehicles in a designated lane.
  • Reallocate on street parking space to accommodate wider sidewalks, buffered bike lanes and other roadway features.

Design considerations:

  • Upgrade traffic signals with adjustable mounts.
  • Install pedestrian islands (two locations) with mountable curbs and pop-up style object marker sign.
  • Install traffic separators that are mountable and provide 19 feet of curb-to-curb clearance.
Drawing of a truck on Lombard.

56% Complete

Shared Lane Sections

A shared bike and right turn lane from N Peninsular Ave to N Greeley Ave will help move multiple modes of traffic safely and efficiently through this one-block, high traffic section of the corridor. In response to public feedback, green street markings will be added to help guide traffic.

Shared lane diagram

Shared lanes. Click to enlarge.

67% Complete

Outreach Activities

ODOT has engaged with the community on this project since 2018, including the following activities:

  • Sent five project mailers to over 1,000 area stakeholders.
  • Canvassed the project area twice in English and Spanish.
  • Provided bilingual project information to 550 summer lunch program recipients.
  • Sent multiple email notifications to up to 1,000 subscribed stakeholders.
  • Posted updates to the project webpage and ODOT social media.
  • Provided five briefings to area business and neighborhood associations.
  • Presented twice to the City of Portland Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
  • Presented to the Portland Freight Committee.
  • Held public open houses (in-person and online) March 2019, January 2020, and January 2021.
  • Incorporated stakeholder feedback into the project.

Drawing of signs and outreach techniques.

As a result of community feedback, we extended the project boundary to N Boston Avenue, will install a rapid flashing beacon at N Emerald Avenue, two pedestrian Islands, and create wider vehicle through lanes.

78% Complete

What to Expect During Construction

Work on the north side of North Lombard Street will begin at North Fiske Avenue and head east. When the north side is complete, work on the south side of North Lombard Street will begin at North Boston Avenue and head west. See below for more information on what to expect during construction. 

Construction Phasing

 Construction in 2021: Tree and utility work (January); single lane closures and intermittent pedestrian work zones winter through fall. Construction in 2022: Finish work and paving with intermittent lane closures and temporary lane shifts winter through spring.
Click to enlarge.

What to expect during construction

Icon: through traffic maintained

Maintained Through-Traffic

Travelers should expect impacts during construction. One lane in each direction will remain open for vehicle travel during the work. This means you can still use N Lombard St to get where you need to go. Please slow down in work zones.

Icon: businesses open

Business Access Maintained

You’ll still be able to visit your favorite businesses along N Lombard St, even during construction. All businesses will remain open, with no access restrictions.

Icon: Pedestrian access

Accessible Pedestrian Access Maintained

Wheelchair and pedestrian access points and pathways will remain accessible during construction, with some short detours for safety where necessary. Please follow construction safety signs and use caution when crossing.

Icon: night work

Nighttime Work

There will be some night work to install traffic signals and pave the road, when it's safer and more efficient for works and the traveling public.

89% Complete

Schedule and Next Steps

Thanks for participating. You may submit comments or questions using the form below.

    Project Timeline

    Project timeline graphic

    (Click to enlarge.)

    Regular work hours will be between 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. There will also be some night work during traffic signal work and paving. Please continue to visit your favorite local businesses throughout construction!

    For more information

    Comment Form (Optional)

    100% Complete