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Welcome to the online open house for the Lava Butte to La Pine Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Study!

This online open house describes background information about the planning study and gives an update on the latest progress toward developing draft goals and an existing conditions report. Please share your thoughts via the survey at the end of the open house. We need your feedback to better understand the opportunities in the area!  


We are working to identify options for a new walking and biking route between Lava Butte and La Pine.
Please share your thoughts about draft goals for the project.
Share your experience with walking and biking in the study area.
Your feedback will help us refine the project goals and better understand opportunities in the study area.
The Lava Butte to La Pine Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Study is expected to continue through the end of 2023.

Project Background

We are working to identify options for a new walking and biking route between Lava Butte and La Pine. This route would enhance access to recreation-rich areas such as the Deschutes National Forest, the Prineville District of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) forest land, and Newberry National Volcano Monument. 

The route will loosely follow the north-south direction of U.S. 97, though it may be some distance from U.S. 97. At the north end, the route will join with the planned “Bend to Lava Butte Multi-Use Path” at the Lava Lands Visitor Center (scheduled to begin construction in 2024). At the south end, the route will connect with the “U.S. 97 Wickiup Jct to First Street Multi-Use Path” at Burgess Avenue in La Pine (in construction now). The route will be paved and ADA-compliant. 

The multi-use path will provide outdoor recreation opportunities and transportation options to avoid the seasonal traffic and parking congestion in these popular areas. 

The project is considering route options in the study area, outlined in the map below:

33% Complete

Project Goals

Draft goals for the project are listed below. Goals are important because they will be used throughout the planning study to guide decision making. These are still in draft form – they will be refined based on your feedback and input from other stakeholders. Please share your thoughts about the goals in the survey.  

The goals were developed from previously passed plans, which include the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, the Deschutes County Transportation System Plan and the La Pine Transportation System Plan.  

Draft project goals:  

  1. Safety: the trail will feel safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities. 

  1. Multimodal mobility: the trail will connect residential areas and destinations, establishing an attractive and efficient transportation route for walking, biking, and using a mobility device.  

  1. Equity: the trail will provide opportunities and choices for people of all ages, abilities, race, ethnicities, and incomes to bike or walk to reach their destinations and to access transportation options, assuring transportation disadvantaged communities are served and included in decision making.  

  1. Community and economic vitality: the trail will improve access to jobs, businesses, and other destinations, and will be an asset for residents, visitors, and businesses. 

  1. Coordination and collaboration: the trail will be planned in collaboration with agency partners to provide a consistent and seamless route that is consistent with adopted plans and goals.  

  1. Optimize investments: the trail will be strategically implemented to be cost-effective using of existing facilities, preferring public lands, and avoiding unnecessary costs. 

50% Complete

Project Comment Map

We would like to know if there are specific locations in the study area that could be helpful or challenging for a new pedestrian and biking route.

The study area has large areas of public land, including Deschutes National Forest and Bureau of Land Management forest. The Little Deschutes River flows through the study area and the Deschutes River flows along the western edge. The study area is relatively flat. 

Developed communities, including Sunriver, Three Rivers, and La Pine, make up much of the western and southern portions of the study area. Most of the study area's businesses, services, and destinations are located in La Pine or Sunriver.  

Transportation in the study area is primarily automobile-oriented. The primary road network is served by U.S. 97, an expressway for most of the study area, as well as a handful of other arterials and collectors, including Huntington Road, Century Drive, and La Pine State Recreation Road. These roads are generally high-speed and lack facilities for walking or biking. Local roads connect the residential areas of Sunriver, Three Rivers, and La Pine. 

Dedicated facilities for walking and biking in the study area are primarily limited to Sunriver and La Pine. The Sunriver area is well-connected with a system of multi-use paths, including the Sun Lava Butte Trail connecting to Lava Butte. La Pine has sidewalks on many of its streets and striped bike lanes on a few streets. 

We would like to know if there are specific locations in the study area that could be helpful or challenging for a new pedestrian and biking route. In the map below, please leave put a comment and description in locations with: 

  • Popular destinations 

  • Missing bike or pedestrian paths 

  • Safety concerns 

  • Other important locations 

67% Complete

Lava Butte to La Pine Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Study Survey

Your feedback will help us refine the project goals and better understand opportunities in the study area. Please share your input in the survey below. All questions are optional, and you can skip anything you prefer not to answer.

Next Steps

This online open house will be open through March 5. The draft goals and existing conditions report will be finalized based on feedback received from this online open house. 

We will draft route alternatives in the spring and summer. The second online open house, planned for this summer, will review these draft route alternatives and offer an opportunity to provide input. 

Then, based on public and stakeholder input, we will identify a preferred alignment and draft the final plan. The final plan is expected by the end of 2023. 

Once the plan has been completed, the next phase will include the design and engineering of the final path. After this has taken place, the project will go to construction. 

Stay connected! 

Keep an eye out for more information on public input opportunities as the summer approaches by signing up for the project email list

You can always learn more about the project, find out about upcoming events and stay connected by visiting the project webpage.


Miranda Wells

ODOT Project Manager

Please help us spread the word about this online open house.

Feel free to share this with your friends and neighbors so that we can get their feedback.

Thank you for participating!

100% Complete