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Welcome to the U.S. 20 Bend Facility Plan

Online Open House.

You can use this online open house to:

  • Learn about the project.
  • Review reports and analysis for the corridor.
  • See recommend improvements to increase safety, convenience and accessibility on U.S. 20
  • Share your feedback.

For ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or Civil Rights Title VI accommodations, translation/interpretation services, or more information call 503-731-4128, TTY 800-735-2900 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1. Si desea obtener información sobre este proyecto traducida al español, sírvase llamar al 503-731-4128.


Lean about the project and what the Facility Plan will accomplish.
Read reports and analysis for the corridor and potential improvements.
See recommended improvements at five key intersections on U.S. 20.
Provide your input and learn about the project’s next steps.

About the Project

We are working closely with the city of Bend, Deschutes County and engaging the community to develop the U.S. 20 Bend Facility Plan. The plan evaluates how best to modernize U.S. 20 to meet the needs of the area and our growing community.

What will the Plan do?

The Plan studies potential improvements to intersections on the highway between NE 3rd Street and Powell Butte Highway.

The final Plan will recommend specific improvements that create a safer, more reliable travel experience for people taking transit, walking, biking, rolling and driving on and near U.S. 20 based on based on how well they achieve the following objectives:

  • Improve reliability, mobility and connectivity for all users.
  • Improve safety for all users.
  • Support economic development.
  • Enhance livability and promote equity and accessibility.
  • Protect the environment.
  • Develop cost effective, realistic solutions.

Project Timeline

This study began in the fall of 2022 and will end in the fall of 2023. Click on the image to make it larger.

40% Complete

Project Reports

The project team has developed six documents that have informed the recommended priority improvements. Learn more below.

Click the title below to view each report or memo.

Plans and Policy Review: Reviews transportation plans and policies that govern or impact transportation planning in the study area.  

Existing Conditions: Analyzes traffic and other data sources to identify safety and other challenges.

Future Conditions: Models projected traffic volume to understand the impacts of future growth.

Future "No Build" Conditions: Models projected traffic volume to understand the impacts of future growth under "no build" conditions.

Alternatives: Describes strategies for safety, capacity and comfort improvements for all modes; and identifies which metrics will be used to evaluate which strategies should advance.

First Level Screening: Evaluates potential strategies based and recommends the improvements described in the next station.

60% Complete

Recommended Improvements

We've identified five intersections along U.S. 20 to prioritize for improvement. These intersections are projected to be inadequate to meet Bend’s future mobility goals.

Locations of recommended improvements.

Click the "+" or the title below to view the information in each section.

A major north-south arterial serving businesses and shopping areas.

Recommended improvements proposed for further consideration feature safety upgrades for people who walk, bike, roll and take transit. These improvements would also build upon current and other investments by ODOT and the City of Bend at this location. Recommended improvements include:

  • Pedestrian crossing time modifications and warning signs.
  • Right-turn-on-red prohibition.
  • Transit signal priority timing.

A gateway to residential neighborhoods north and south of the highway.

The proposed improvements include a modified lane configuration and pedestrian, bicycle and transit improvements. These improvements would also build upon current and other investments by ODOT and the City of Bend at this location. Recommended improvements include:

  • Add a median island.
  • Pedestrian, bicycle and transit improvements.
  • Pedestrian crossing time modifications and warning signs.
  • Enhanced bicycle lanes with green paint at conflict points for visibility and safety.
  • Transit signal priority timing.

A major intersection featuring retail and commercial uses and a connection to residential areas.

Proposed improvements seek to improve operations on and off the roadway.

  • Minor widening for a dedicated northbound left turn lane to improve traffic flow and operations.
  • Pedestrian, bicycle and transit improvements, including:
    • Pedestrian crossing time modifications, audible signals and warning signs.
    • Reconstructed curbs ramps on the northwest corner.
    • Enhanced bicycle lanes with green paint at conflict points for visibility and safety.
    • Upgrades to the transit stop north of the intersection.
    • Transit signal priority timing.

A major intersection featuring retail and medical activities close to residential areas.

Two widening concepts are recommended for further study to improve safety and operations, as well as pedestrian, bicycle and transit improvements.

  • Minor widening option: adds eastbound right turn lane with pedestrian crossing island.
  • Major widening option: adds eastbound right turn lane and added dual left turn lanes on all approaches.
    • More impactful, but meets a lower mobility target.
  • Pedestrian, bicycle and transit improvements, including:
    • Pedestrian crossing time modifications, audible signals and warning signs.
    • Reconstructed curb ramps at the northeast and southeast corners.
    • Enhanced bicycle lanes with green paint at conflict points for visibility and safety.
    • Coordination with the City of Bend for a planned shared use path on 27th between U.S. 20 and Bear Creek Road.

A single lane roundabout recently constructed to reduce vehicular delay and provide safer travel.

Further improvements to the roundabout will improve its ability to accommodate expected growth.

  • The proposed improvement features the addition of right turn bypass or “slip lanes” to improve efficiency at the roundabout.
  • Pedestrian and bicycle features would be maintained and updated with the new configuration.
  • Proposed improvements reduce the potential impacts during construction.

80% Complete

Feedback and Next Steps

Please share your input using the short survey below.

Next Steps


Don Morehouse

senior transportation planner

Cody Franz

community affairs coordinator

The project team will finalize recommendations and develop a funding strategy before the project concludes early this fall.

Keep an eye out for more information on public input opportunities by signing up to receive project updates.

You can always learn more about the project, find out about upcoming events and stay connected by visiting the project webpage.

Please help us spread the word about this online open house. Feel free to share this with your friends and neighbors so that we can get their feedback.

Thank you for participating!

100% Complete