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OR 451 / U.S. 20: Vale Sidewalk & Pedestrian Crossing


Browse the open house to learn more about this safety project in Vale.

Children living north of the intersection of U.S. 20 (Washington / A Street) and OR 451 (Graham Boulevard) do not have a safe route to school. This project will improve safety for everyone who uses this route.

This online open house gives you information and an opportunity to provide comments. Please visit each station to learn about the project. 

  • Project background – Learn more about why this project is needed.
  • Project details – Find out what improvements we have planned and the impacts you can expect during construction.
  • Stay involved – We want to hear from you. Submit comments and questions here. Sign up to receive project updates.

This open house closes Wednesday, July 3, 2024, at 8 p.m.


Learn more about why this project is needed.
Find out what improvements we have planned and the impacts you can expect during construction.
We want to hear from you. Submit comments and questions here. Sign up to receive project updates.

Project Background

High traffic speeds, a unique traffic pattern, a railroad crossing, and a lack of pedestrian facilities at this crossing on OR 451 at Viking Drive create unsafe conditions for children going to and coming from school.

Project overview

We are designing a pedestrian railroad crossing and sidewalk that are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This project will improve safety for children and other users.

Project location

OR 451/U.S. 20 – mileposts 10.27 to 10.37

Project map.

Purpose and need

In 2019, a new middle school opened for 7th and 8th graders. It is located on Viking Drive, within the high school campus. Children living north of the intersection of U.S. 20 (Washington / A Street) and OR 451 (Graham Boulevard) do not have a safe route to school. This is due to high traffic speeds, a unique traffic pattern, a railroad crossing, and a lack of pedestrian facilities at this crossing.

Many children in Vale are actively involved in after-school activities. The school district does not have the resources to provide transportation for students, and many families do not have reliable transportation to pick up their children after these activities. As a result, students who live in town must walk home, often along and across the highway in the dark. Installing a pedestrian railroad crossing, sidewalk and a marked street crossing will improve the safety and mobility of students walking along Graham Boulevard.

50% Complete

Project Details

In this station, we will introduce you to project details.

  • Project elements.
  • Schedule.
  • Project cost.
  • Traffic and pedestrian impacts.

Project elements

For this project, we will:

  • Install a new, at-grade railroad crossing at the intersection of OR 451/Graham Boulevard and Viking Drive.
  • Construct sidewalk from Viking Drive to Elm Street, south side of OR 451.
  • Build ADA-compliant curb ramps at the intersection of OR 451/Graham Boulevard and Viking Drive, southwest and southeast corners of Elm Street.
  • Relocate the automatic railroad arm on the eastbound lane of OR 451.
  • Install traffic separators along the south side of OR 451 and on the corner of Viking Drive.

Close up view of project location.


Project design is underway and will be completed late 2024.
Project is scheduled to go to bid in February 2025.
Construction is scheduled for 2025-2026.

Project cost

The project is estimated to cost $1.2 million. This includes design and construction.

Traffic and pedestrian impacts

During construction activities in 2025, travelers can expect:

  • Lane and sidewalk closures in the area. 
  • Pedestrian detours will accommodate all users. Temporary pedestrian access routes will be marked during sidewalk closures.
  • We will accommodate children during school hours.
  • Motorists may want to use alternate routes.

We will have more details about traffic impacts when we get closer to construction.

75% Complete

Stay Involved

Thank you for taking the time to visit this open house.

We want to hear from you. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

Sign up to receive project updates and take a short survey below.

For more information

Please visit the project webpage or contact:

Link to the project webpage.

Erin Winterton
Transportation Project Manager

Vicki Moles
Community Affairs Specialist

Sign up

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Take our survey

Please let us know if you have any questions about this project. We would also like to know how you found out about the open house.

If the survey below does not load and open for you, please use this link to online open house survey.

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