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How can we make OR 126 East safer?

We are studying McKenzie Highway to better understand the causes of the crashes and to identify possible safety solutions.

Your feedback about safety issues and driver behavior will help us identify potential solutions in the study area.


Learn more about why we're doing the study.
We want to hear your experiences on OR 126!
Let us know if you have questions or comments using our form.
Learn about our in person open house and how you can stay connected.

About the Study

OR 126 East, also known as McKenzie Highway, is a 66-mile rural two-lane road connecting the Eugene/Springfield area to U.S. 20. There are many small communities along this highway. It's also a popular route for tourists and recreational users, and a designated freight route.

We're working with Lane County on a safety study because of the number and severity of crashes along this section of highway.

The purose of the study is to better understand the causes of the crashes.

To understand the needs of this section of the highway, we're gathering feedback from the community on existing problems and issues related to safety, freight, operations and overall road conditions.

We'll identify low cost, high benefit safety solutions that can possibly be funded and constructed within the next five years. The study won't result in specific project work until funding becomes available.

Looking at crash data from 2016 to 2020, we found:

  • There have been an average of 89 crashes per year.
  • On average, there have been 12 fatal or serious injury crashes per year.
  • Nearly half of the crashes involved the driver leaving the roadway.
  • 40% of the fatal and serious injury crashes happened on curves.
  • Approximately one in four crashes involved drivers traveling at unsafe speeds.
  • Fatal and serious injury crashes were nearly four times more likely to involve alcohol impairment.

So far, we've found a cluster of crashes in these areas:

  • The Deerhorn Road intersection.
  • The curve at Leaburg Dam Spillway.
  • The Ross Lane intersection.
  • In rural communities.
  • At curves.

40% Complete

Interactive Map

Share Your Experiences

We want to hear from you! Use the interactive map below to share your experiences in the study area. Your feedback helps us understand which needs and problems are the most urgent.

Open the map in a larger window.


Please share your safety concerns and experiences by clicking and dragging one of these icons to a point on the map.

You can place general comments anywhere on the map, but try to place location-specific comments as close as possible to the location (like an intersection or curve). You may also upload photos to help us understand your concern. All comments will be visible to the public but will remain anonymous.

General Safety Icon
Pedestrian Safety Icon
Bicycle Safety Icon
Vehicle Safety Icon

60% Complete

Comment Form

Use the comment form to share more about your experiences within the corridor, to tell us about yourself and to share any other questions or comments you have.

Next Steps

Thank you for sharing your experiences. We’ll use your feedback to understand which needs and problems are the most urgent. We have two groups helping review our work and findings, a technical advisory committee and a stakeholder advisory committee.

We plan on having another open house in late spring 2023 where we'll ask for your feedback on proposed solutions.

Share Your Experiences In Person

We want to hear about your safety concerns and experiences on the highway, whether you drive, walk or bike.

We'll give a short overview of the study at 11:15 a.m. we'll be available to talk with you about your concerns and answer questions until 1:30 p.m. Stop by when it is convenient for you.

  • When: Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
  • Where: McKenzie Fire & Rescue Station, 42870 McKenzie Highway, milepost 20.

We hope you can stop by! Please let us know if you need accommodations to attend.

Stay Connected

Project webpage iconYou can always learn more about the project, find out about upcoming events and stay connected by visiting the project webpage.

Project alert iconIf you have not already, sign up to receive future updates about this project.


Bill Johnston

ODOT Transportation Planner

Please help us spread the word about this online open house.
Feel free to share this with your friends and neighbors so that we can get their feedback.
Thank you for participating!

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100% Complete