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OR 207 West Park Elementary

Pedestrian Safety Improvements

We are designing this project to improve safety for all pedestrians

who travel along OR 207/SW 11th Street in Hermiston.

It is funded by the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program.

Take this opportunity to review our project by visiting each station.

  • Project Background. 
  • Safety Improvements.
  • Enhanced Crosswalk.
  • Contact us.


Learn more about the issues and benefits of this project for the community.
Learn more about the safety improvements we have planned along OR 207/SW 11th Street.
We will install a new crosswalk to give pedestrians a safe place to cross the busy road.
We want to hear from you. Submit comments and questions here.

Project Background

The section of OR 207, between West Orchard Avenue and West Highland Avenue, is a busy area for pedestrians and vehicles. Children who live on the west side of OR 207 must travel along this busy road to get to West Park Elementary School and Hermiston High School.


The west side of OR 207 does not have a sidewalk and provides only a one foot paved shoulder. Existing sidewalk stops abruptly on both the north and south ends. Pedestrians are forced to make a decision - continue walking along the highway on a narrow, paved shoulder, or cross the highway to reach safe sidewalks on the east side of the road.

An existing sidewalk to the west ends abruptly at the section with no sidewalk. This poses another problem, leaving pedestrians without a safe crossing.

The lack of safe access has resulted in two recent pedestrian fatalities at or near the project site.


This project includes the following safety elements.

  • ​We will build new sidewalk, widen the shoulder and install a bicycle lane on the west side of OR 207, between West Orchard Avenue and West Highland Avenue.
  • We will install an enhanced crosswalk near the Buttercreek Apartments.

Cost and funding:

This project, funded by the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) and Rapid Response Grant programs, costs $1.3 million.


Construction is scheduled for 2023.

Open gallery full-screen Use the mouse wheel to pan and zoom, or pinch and swipe on touch-enabled devices.
  • Simple map of project on OR 207.

    Simple map of project on OR 207.

  • Design plans for crosswalk on OR 207.

    Design plans for crosswalk on OR 207.

40% Complete

Safety Improvements

With no sidewalk and a narrow shoulder, this busy road needs safer access for pedestrians. The lack of a bike lane also makes travel difficult for children traveling to and from school.

When completed, the west side of OR 207/SW 11th Street will include the following. See images for plans and details.

New sidewalk.

A portion of sidewalk is missing. Pedestrians are forced to decide to walk along the highway on a narrow, paved shoulder or cross the highway to reach safe sidewalks on the other side of the street. We will connect current sidewalk with existing pieces so pedestrians can walk the entire length of this section on sidewalk. (See Picture 

Wider shoulder.

The current shoulder is narrow and does not give much room between vehicles on the road and pedestrians.

An added bicycle lane.

With a wider shoulder, we will have enough room to install a bicycle lane.

Open gallery full-screen Use the mouse wheel to pan and zoom, or pinch and swipe on touch-enabled devices.
  • Draft plans for the project along the west side of OR 207.

    Draft plans for the project along the west side of OR 207.

  • A. View looking south along OR 201/SW 11th Street, with no sidewalk.

    A. View looking south along OR 201/SW 11th Street, with no sidewalk.

  • B. View looking at location for new crosswalk.

    B. View looking at location for new crosswalk.

  • C. View of driveways along OR 20 7/SW 11th Street.

    C. View of driveways along OR 20 7/SW 11th Street.

60% Complete

Enhanced Crosswalk

An existing sidewalk leads from neighborhoods and an apartment complex from the west to SW 11th Street. Then it stops. With no sidewalk for it to connect to, pedestrians must walk along the narrow highway shoulder to a signalized intersection to the north or south, or take their chances crossing the street. A new crosswalk will provide needed safety features for whatever route pedestrians choose.

We will install the new crosswalk with the following elements.

Flashing beacon.

Rectangular rapid flashing beacons, or RRFBs, use flashing yellow lights to alert drivers that someone is crossing the street. Pedestrians who want to cross the highway will be able to activate the beacons with the press of a button. These flashing lights will help alert drivers that a pedestrian is crossing the street. When not in use, the flashing beacons will be dark. See image for an example of a flashing beacon with crosswalk sign.

Crosswalk signs.

Marked continental crosswalk.

Continental crosswalks identify pedestrian crossings. They provide drivers with a visual cue of where to expect crossing pedestrians. See image for an example of a continental crosswalk.

ADA compliant curb ramps.

Installing ADA curb ramps will meet new design standards and provide better access for people who rely on them.

New lighting.

Adding lights at the crossing can reduce nighttime crashes due to better visibility.

Open gallery full-screen Use the mouse wheel to pan and zoom, or pinch and swipe on touch-enabled devices.
  • Draft plan of new crosswalk.

    Draft plan of new crosswalk.

  • Image of a rapid flashing beacon with a crosswalk sign.

    Image of a rapid flashing beacon with a crosswalk sign.

  • Image of a continental crosswalk.

    Image of a continental crosswalk.

80% Complete

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in the pedestrian safety improvements in Hermiston. We appreciate you taking time to share any questions or comments you have about the project.

In-person Open House

We are holding an in-person open house on June 28, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the West Park Elementary. We would be happy to meet you and talk with you then. If you are not able to join us, and you have questions or comments, please take a few minutes to share those with us.

Contact us

What’s Next?

Link to the project webpage.We will update our project webpage periodically as project design continues. Please visit OR 207 West Park Elementary (Hermiston) Pedestrian Safety Improvements.

100% Complete