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The Meacham and Union Pacific Railroad Bridge was constructed in 1925.

Extensive deterioration, increasing maintenance costs and potential safety concerns require a complete bridge replacement.


Learn more about why this project is needed and what we will do.
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Project Details

View this page to learn more about why we are replacing the bridge.


The Meacham Creek and Union Pacific Railroad is located on the I-84 Frontage Road at milepost 239.45. The existing bridge is structurally deficient and does not provide adequate clearance between piers and the railroad tracks.


Due to a variety of maintenance needs and increasing maintenance costs, we will replace the bridge instead of making repairs. This will improve safety and reduce future maintenance.


The bridge has a number of issues that require attention.

  • Bridge rail and deck conditions are in poor condition.
  • Concrete has severe spalling (flaking or breaking off) and deterioration.
  • Large cracks in pavement.
  • Cracks in concrete girders.
  • Clearance between piers and railroad tracks is not large enough for updated standards.
  • Bridge width only allows one-way traffic.


We will remove the existing bridge and construct a new one. Other elements include:

  • Raise the bridge to provide adequate clearance for the railroad.
  • Widen the bridge. Currently, the bridge is narrow and only allows one truck at a time. The new bridge will be wide enough for two trucks to pass.


This project is estimated to cost $6.9 million.

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  • Aerial view of project plans.

    Aerial view of project plans.

  • Concrete deterioration.

    Concrete deterioration.

  • Column showing concrete deterioration.

    Column showing concrete deterioration.

  • Concrete deterioration on bridge deck.

    Concrete deterioration on bridge deck.

50% Complete

Construction Impacts

The project goes out to bid in September 2023. Construction is scheduled for spring and summer of 2024. We will know more about impacts when we get closer to construction. However, we do know that this road will be closed with a signed detour.

Go to the next page to find out how to stay informed on the project.


This project will require a full road closure so we can remove the existing bridge and construct a new bridge.


We will establish a detour around the closure via I-84 Exit 234. Temporary signs and portable message boards will direct traffic.

75% Complete

Stay Involved

Thank you for taking the time to visit our online open house to learn more about this bridge replacement project.

We want to hear from you. If you have any questions or comments please let us know. You can contact us, sign up for project updates and take a short survey below.

Contact us

For more information about the project, please visit the project webpage or contact:

Erin Winterton
Transportation Project Manager

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Take our survey

Please use this survey to let us know if you have any questions about this project. We would also like to know how you found out about the open house. 

100% Complete