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The Siskiyou Summit corridor — the highest summit on Interstate 5 —is being improved future generations.

  • Repair, replace and level worn and rutted concrete roadway surface

  • Repair and replace worn concrete bridge decks, most notably I-5 over Old Siskiyou Highway at Exit 6.

  • New pavement on ramps

  • New safety guardrail

  • Correcting subsurface drainage problems that affect the roadway

  • New electronic variable message and variable speed limit sign for safety


How to plan for the traffic changes on this project
How will Interstate traffic be affected by the project
Since we have lanes closed, we able to perform additional work
If you have comments or questions on the project, let us know

What to Expect in 2021

This year the contractor will be back in April, weather permitting, setting barrier and preparing for the construction of a temporary southbound on-ramp. The most impact work for residents living near Mt. Ashland will again be at Exit 6. The southbound bridge deck over Old Siskiyou Highway will be rebuilt. Like last year, the old deck will be crunched into rubble and rebuilt with new steel and concrete.

Unlike last year, we're able to keep the interchange ramps connected, except for the following early in the season:

Key dates for Mt. Ashland Exit 6 Interchange area:

This season’s temporary closures:

  • From April 8 through May 7, 2021: southbound on-ramp closed for construction of a temporary southbound on-ramp.
    •  Exit 6 southbound traffic during construction: Use Old Siskiyou Highway to Exit 1 into California.

  • From May 25 through June 3, 2021: Old Siskiyou Highway closed under the I-5 Old Siskiyou Highway Bridge at Exit 6 for demolition of southbound bridge deck.
      • Northbound traffic from west of I-5 (i.e. Mt. Ashland Ski Road, Colestin Road), use old Siskiyou Highway to Hilt to pick-up northbound I-5 to Ashland.
      • East of I-5 (Callahan's side to CA: take I-5 detour to Ashland Exit 14.
  • Expect night closures in late June through July at Exit 1 southbound bridge for deck repairs and resurfacing.
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  • I5CABorderAshlandPaving/traffic
  • Exit 6 Bridge under construction_2020
  • Exit 6 Concrete Pour 2020
  • Traffic on the completed Exit 6 bridge

40% Complete

I-5 Traffic Impacts

Expect single lane traffic and delays due to slow moving vehicles throughout the work zone for pavement repairs

In​​​ the Exit 6 interchange area watch for single lane traffic and delays each direction on the northbound bridge. This allows for the rebuilding of the Exit 6 southbound deck.

Overwidth trucks will use Exit 6 off-ramp and re-enter I-5 at the temporary on ramp. Local traffic can use this too! Be sure to watch and stop for this temporary traffic control change for the season.

Use to see what kind of delay is through the work zone. Look for the stop watches at either end of the work zone. We're using SmartWorkZone technology to let you know of delays. This will be especially helpful on weekends and busy summer travel holidays.

This project may extend into next summer as well. This is due to two factors: COVID-19 impacts on subcontractors last year and added work placed on the contractor by ODOT.

Because of COVID-19 shutdowns last year, the availability of some subcontractors changed the prime contractor’s schedule.  For instance, initial 2020 season work to repair and replace of worn concrete sections was delayed The contractor pivoted to work on the northbound Exit 6 bridge over Old Siskiyou Highway.  Later in the season, the contractor was able to perform corrective pavement and subgrade work near the old rest area, near MP 10.  That corrective work will continue throughout the work zone this year. 

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  • I5CABorderAshlandPaving/delaygraphic

60% Complete

What Else?

So we don't have to come back in the near future and close lanes, we've added work to this project.

We advanced plans for new permanent electronic message signs. These will also have changeable speed advisories. For instance, we can communicate with drivers using the electronic signs AND let drivers know the suggested speed limit based on weather conditions such as rain, snow and fog. Remember, this is the highest point on I-5 between Canada and Mexico. Conditions may be clear on the south side of the summit and foggy on the north side.

    I-5 Exit 6 northbound bridge completed, Oct. 2020te_Oct15_2020

    Last year, and this past winter, we’ve dug new footings and routing electrical lines to those new sign bases. This work will continue this year and partially into next season.

    What else are we doing this year?  In addition to the Exit 6 southbound bridge deck reconstruction, our contractor will also:

    • Repairs to the I-5 Exit 1 southbound on-ramp bridge
    • Continue paving of ramps, shoulders and installation of new guardrail
    • Continue work repairing the concrete pavement
    • Install permanent variable speed limit and message boards near the summit and Exit 6.
    Use the mouse wheel to pan and zoom, or pinch and swipe on touch-enabled devices.
    • I5CABorderAshlandPaving/i-5-vms

    80% Complete

    Comments, Questions, Concerns

    Gary Leaming

    ODOT Project Information Specialist
