We plan to start construction on this multiyear project in 2024.
In this online open house you can learn:
Check out a before and after drawing of the area by clicking and dragging the arrows on the image below.
Click the "+" or the title below to view the information in each section.
We're moving the entrance to Dolores Way NE to make room for the diverging diamond lanes. The existing connection to Ehlen Road NE may become a cul-de-sac. The intersection will move east, and we'll construct a new connection to the existing Dolores Way NE. The new Dolores Way NE and Ehlen Road NE intersection will also connect to a gravel road for access to properties to the north.
Please note, this is a rendering. The final layout may look different and the size and location may change.
Check out a larger version of the interchange after Phase 2 construction.
Click on each tab below to learn more about what you can expect during construction.
We plan to start construction in 2024 and anticipate it taking four years to build the diverging diamond interchange. Our schedule may change due to weather, material supplies or other delays.
Click the "+" or the title below to view the information in each section.
We'll widen the shoulders of I-5 and pave in between the north and southbound lanes. This will allow us to shift traffic during different steps in construction to keep three lanes of traffic on I-5 in each direction during the day.
We'll also remove sections of the existing bridges in the center of the median to make room to build the first section of the bridge. This will require a weekend full closure of Ehlen Road NE.
We're building the new I-5 bridge in three sections: northbound lanes, southbound lanes and center. We'll start by building the center section of the bridge.
After the center is built, we'll shift northbound traffic onto the new bridge. Once traffic is shifted, we'll remove the existing northbound I-5 bridge. This will require a weekend full closure of Ehlen Road NE.
Next, we'll construct the northbound section of the new bridge.
After that section is built, we'll shift both north and southbound traffic onto the new bridge. Once traffic is shifted, we'll remove the existing southbound I-5 bridge. This will require a weekend full closure of Ehlen Road NE.
Next, we'll construct the southbound section of the new bridge. After that section is built, we'll shift traffic back to the permanent north and southbound lanes on the new bridge.
After the new I-5 bridge is fully constructed, most construction activity will move to Ehlen Road NE as we build the diverging diamond lanes.
To limit impacts to those traveling on I-5 and make it safer for our workers, we're using traffic shifts to create a separated work zone. Traffic shifts move traffic to a different lane, to create more space for our crews to work safely.
To shift traffic onto the new sections of the bridge, we'll close I-5 up to six times at night for about four hours. During these I-5 closures, traffic will use the Exit 278 off and on-ramps.
Learn more about the work we're doing by clicking on the number icons on the rendering of the finished Aurora-Donald interchange below.
Please note, this is a rendering. The final layout may look different and the size and location may change.
We will widen Ehlen Road NE from two lanes into multiple lanes for the diverging diamond layout.
During construction, you can expect:
Lane closures.
Full road closures with detours.
Flagging for the I-5 closures with traffic rerouted.
No pedestrian access when the road is fully closed.
Please note, these are renderings. The final layout may look different and the size and location may change.
Lane and shoulder closures as needed.
Pedestrian and bicyclist detours as needed.
Before starting your journey, go to TripCheck for the most current traffic, work zone and weather updates.
Please pay attention in the work zone, slow down and move over – imagine this is where you work.
Always drive safely and watch for construction signs and workers. Remember fines double in Oregon work zones, whether workers and signs are present or not.
Video length 0:48
Check out stills from the video of how you get to where you need to go if you're traveling east on Ehlen Road NE using the new diverging diamond interchange.
Video length 0:50
Check out stills from the video of how you get to where you need to go if you're traveling west on Ehlen Road NE using the new diverging diamond interchange.
Video length 0:51
Check out stills from the video of how you get to where you need to go if you took the northbound I-5 off-ramp using the new diverging diamond interchange.
Video length 0:57
Check out stills from the video of how you get to where you need to go if you took the southbound I-5 off-ramp using the new diverging diamond interchange.
You can always learn more about the project, find out about upcoming events and stay connected by visiting the project webpage.
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